1. One of the best natural hair loss treatments is the use of almond oil. Massaged onto the scalp two to three times a day, this oil is effective in preventing hair loss.
2. Hydrotherapy: This involves putting a hot cloth and a cold cloth alternately around one’s head. This treatment can be done daily. Hydrotherapy is useful as it increases circulation of blood in the scalp and removes dirt that may be blocking hair follicles.
3. Grind together lime and black pepper seeds to make a fine paste. This paste has been found to be one of the most valuable remedies for hair loss. Apply the paste twice a day for a few weeks on the scalp or patches of baldness. Although this paste has a mildly irritant reaction, it helps maintain blood circulation to the affected area and increases hair growth.
4. A lot of people have experienced good results with the use of this natural remedy. Rub coconut oil on your scalp and massage it gently. You can do this at night. It can make your scalp sticky and warm in the morning.
5. A natural hair mask made of a mixture of honey with egg yolk or spinach juice is beneficial for hair growth. Massage the mixture on the scalp, leave it on for thirty minutes and then wash off.
6. Exercise: Besides boosting general health and strengthening our immunity system, exercise increases the flow of blood to all parts of the body, including the scalp. This helps in better growth of hair and reduces hair loss.
7. Prepare a paste with hot olive oil, honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Apply this before a bath or shower and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off afterwards.
8. This herb can help prevent the production of DHT. The body tends to convert free hormones into DHT. This will then induce tress loss. You can try taking stinging nettle tea every day. This will reduce the likelihood of pattern baldness.
9. Gotu kola has a history dating back centuries in Chinese herbalist literature as one of the herbal remedies for hair loss. Those claims have been backed up by research done on rats suffering from alopecia (hair loss) which, when fed gotu kola for an extended period, grew both thicker skin and hair, and had the rate of their hair growth increased. Because the skin naturally thins both as we age, and with the appearance of male pattern baldness, gotu kola may be one of the herbal hair loss remedies with added benefits.
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