In the hair transplantation surgery process, you will get pre-operative medication to check the allergic reactions, patient weight and other factors. Then local anesthetics number the donor area and recipient area. They will measure and trim the donor area slightly. To easily remove the strips of tissue, a saline solution will be injected into the scalp. Using a single- or multi-bladed scalpel, the donor area is removed in the form of long strips of tissue. Then the donor area is placed in the recipient area.
After the hair transplant surgery, you can continue with the recommended treatment. Then you will get thicker, denser and totally natural hair. If you want to take another procedure, it should be done after 6 months, after newly transplanted hair has started to grow out. Some patients may require more than a single surgery to get the desired hair depending on the amount of hair loss. Hair follicles appear to grow within a week after the surgery. Approximately 98 percent of follicular units survive and grow after the hair transplant surgery.
Hair transplants give you a maximum density of hair that’s medically safe. Hair transplant clinics can offer various surgical techniques and different complementing hair loss treatments depending on the case of the hair loss patient.