Upon getting older, the receding hairline of men is paired with a balding spot at the crown of the head. Losing hair at the forehead and crown area is the usual pattern of androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia in men is a type of alopecia that is more known as male-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is due to men’s susceptibility to the harmful effects of DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is synthesized when testosterones are acted upon by 5-alpha reductase enzymes. When the presence of DHT in the scalp gets higher, it causes the hair follicles to shrink (miniaturize). When hair follicles are miniaturized, they only grow hair shafts that are thin, short, colorless, and lifeless. Eventually, the shrunken hair follicles will no longer be able to grow any hair at all, resulting to baldness.
Fortunately, there exist several types of hair loss treatment for men for androgenic alopecia or male-pattern baldness. One type of treatment is by taking hair loss drugs such as finasteride. Finasteride is an oral drug that is to be taken once a day. It is an anti-DHT drug. It suppresses the production of dihydrotestosterone in the scalp by blocking the type 2 form of 5-alpha reductase enzymes. With the presence of DHT being diminished, growth of long, thick, well-pigmented, and healthy hair shafts can be restored. Finasteride is indeed an effective hair loss drug (that is prescribed strictly for men) in obtaining hair regrowth, but it can cause disadvantageous effects to the body, such as impotence, decreased sex drive, and testicular pains.
A type of hair loss treatment for men that is free of harmful side effects is the use of a topical spray and topical serum that are formulated with procyanidin oligomers and saw palmetto extracts. These 2 natural ingredients are equally efficient as finasteride in blocking DHT; due to the ingredients being natural, no damaging systemic effects are to be acquired.